
Work on your power of attraction: sense of humor

What's Humor Anyway?
Humor is what makes something funny; a sense of humor is the ability to recognize it. Someone with a well-developed sense of humor has the ability to recognize what's funny in others and can amuse others as well.
Sense of humor can help you:
  • see things from many perspectives other than the most obvious
  • be spontaneous
  • grasp unconventional ideas or ways of thinking
  • see beyond the surface of things
  • enjoy and participate in the playful aspects of life
  • not take yourself too seriously

Don't think that because you want to be someone important & influent, you have to be always serious & impress people by appearing as someone cold and condescending.

Being an easy-going person is essencial, because it helps people feel comfortable even in the most tense situations. Don't hesitate using your sense of humor. You should even be able to laugh at yourself without giving the impression to be a complete fool. It's a way to show that you are self-confident & that you can take any joke.

Don't be afraid to be funny, but don't abuse of your sense of humor. Avoid corny jokes. Please no racist, sexist, sexual joke. People might not take you seriously. Worst, they might find you boring & avoid you.

Another thing to avoid is to become too familiar with people. Being funny, doesn't mean sharing your personal informations. Don't forget your ultimate goal is to create professional links & establish a strong reputation. I will come back on this point in another post. But keep in mind that less people know about you & better it is.

Just make sure people smile when they are around you.

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