
Your Top 4 Strategies To Thrive During Stressful Situations

by Go To Coaching

Stress. You’ve got to love it! It can make you great or it can make cowards of us all! In a previous article I discussed exactly what stress is and what it does to your body and mind.
Today I want to share with you some successful stress reducing strategies that you can start to use today. Although these concepts are not new, they are powerful and if you choose to apply them in your life now you are guaranteed to see results!

The number of strategies available to combat stress is large. Lets focus on the following 4 extremely effective approaches:

1. Nutrition
2. Sleep
3. Exercise
4. Breathing

You can apply each of these tactics right away and as a result you can expect to see an immediate difference. That is of course if you choose to act now and apply this information!

Although there are many other strategies you can use, I challenge you to try these four and notice how your stress levels begin to fall like the Wide World of Sports Skier off that jump. As a byproduct you will also notice other improvements such as increased energy, enhanced focus, better decision making abilities, and a general sense of well being.

That all sounds great doesn’t it? So what specifically do you have to do in order to take advantage of these stress-reducing techniques? The following is a quick guideline for each strategy:

• Eating high water content and nutrient dense vegetables
• Minimizing processed foods, caffeine, sugar, salt, alcohol, and saturated fats can also have a positive effect on stress management.
• If a food makes you tired, bloated, or congested – eliminate these foods or eat less frequently.
• Sleeping at least 7.5 hours and up to 9+ can help enhance the body’s natural resistance to stress
• If you can’t get it every night try every other night.
• Also give yourself at least one day to recover completely!

• Total body activities such as jogging, swimming, biking, paddling, surfing, yoga, and hiking for at least 30 minutes and no more than 2 hrs for 3-5 times per week
• Remember with each exercise session to create variety – avoid doing the same thing on back to back workout sessions

Breathing techniques
• Take 40 really deep breaths throughout the day
• Relax your abdominals
• Begin by drawing air in and allow your belly to expand out
• Ensure your ribs expand out and not up
• Pause for a second when you have taken a full deep breath
• When exhaling reverse the process
• Start from the top of the chest and move towards your abdominals
• As you expel all the air out, your abdominals should be tight and contracted – hold this for a second
• Repeat 10 times 4 times per day

We have discussed what you can do to diminish the effect of stress on you so that you may thrive in the face of stress! Breaking this cycle requires you to be proactive in your diet, sleep, exercise and even how you breathe. Stress can be an obstacle or an opportunity for growth – its your choice!

Choose Victory! The Go To Coaching Team
To find out how Go To Coaching Inc. can help you achieve your goals visit www.gotocoaching.com

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