
Be a part of AGLOCO community

At the height of the dot com bubble, I joined a website call AllAdvantage.com, the first of many similar programs. The idea was simple - they paid you to surf the web, while displaying ads on your desktop. The longer you spent online, the more money you earnt, and you could earn more if you managed to recruit others. I actually got paid for my time online - not a huge amount, but not insignificant either.
That was then... when the the bubble burst, AllAdvantage was one of many to fall by the way side.

Now, it seems that the original founders of AllAdvantage have started a new company called AGLOCO, based on the same ideas. They are working on a new version of their 'ViewBar', though it is still being beta tested at the moment, so the only thing you can do at the moment is build up your network of referrals.

I'm intriged to see how they'll do the second time round... hopefully the web technology available today is more advanced, and the advertising industry is healthier that it was then. There's even talk of shares being handed out to members. I invite you to join me in this new incarnation on: http://www.agloco.com/r/BBBT2175, I have a good feeling about this one. If it's as great as Adsense you can still kick my ass :p

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